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Why Traditional Retirement is a Scam

cocktail on a beach
As humans, we’re wired to be creative, to build things, and to contribute in meaningful ways. We’re built to be part of something bigger than ourselves.

When most people think about retirement, they have a picture in their minds of a day when they can finally stop working, kick back, and do whatever they want.

For some, that means sitting on a beach, sipping cocktails, and doing absolutely nothing.

Sounds great, right?

But let's really think that through for a moment because it’s not much of a plan.

Sure, lying on a beach sounds amazing after a long stretch of hard work, but what happens after a few days or a week? Or a month? Or a year?

You start getting bored, maybe even a little restless. That sunburn and dehydration? Not as fun as it seemed in the brochure. And the idea of doing that for years on end?

It starts to feel pretty empty.

Here’s the thing: I love rest as much as the next guy, BUT, I believe we’re not designed to just sit around.

As humans, we’re wired to be creative, to build things, to contribute in meaningful ways. We’re built to be part of something bigger than ourselves.

So the traditional idea of retirement—working your whole life just to reach a point where you can stop doing anything—is... kind of a scam.

Years ago, I used to work as a financial advisor, and I saw multiple clients who entered "retirement" without a plan. They had a financial plan, sure, but they didn't have a life plan.

They didn't have any clue how to fill their days or how to stay meaningfully engaged with the world.

Some of them got depressed.

One of them literally died about 5 weeks into retirement.

How tragic - to grind your whole life to finally enjoy it when you retire, only to have your time cut short?

Instead of aiming for a future where you don’t have to do anything, what if you aimed for a future where you get to do the things that really matter to you?

What if, instead of working towards “retirement,” you started working towards a life that feels fulfilling every single day?

Imagine this: You have all the money you need. Your bills are paid, and your future is secure.

How would you spend your time? What would your days look like? Would you be starting a new project? Volunteering for a cause that’s close to your heart? Spending time with your family, teaching your grandkids something you’re passionate about?

This is what we call “lifestyle design.” It’s about crafting a life where your work, your passions, and your values all align. It’s about figuring out what really matters to you and finding ways to make that the center of your life, not just something you hope to get to someday.

That’s what we’re talking about in F40, our forty-day path to financial freedom. We’re not just going to help you figure out how to make more money, grow your assets, and secure your financial future. We’re going to help you design a life you’d love to live right now and in the years to come.

Once you have that vision, we can start figuring out what you need to make it a reality. What kind of income do you need? What kind of assets will support that lifestyle? How can you start moving toward that now, rather than waiting for some distant retirement date?

A life well-lived isn’t about reaching a point where you can finally stop.

It’s about creating a life where you’re doing what you love, contributing in ways that matter, and feeling fulfilled every single day. And that doesn’t have to wait until you’re “retired.”

It can start now.



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