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to our life-changing 40-Day Sprints

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12 Months of Unlimited Access to H40, F40 & R40
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What is H40?

H40 is a 40-day program that's built around transforming your health in every way that matters. That means your:







​H40 isn't just another fitness program. It's designed to help you fall in love with your life.


We believe that life itself is a gift, and that's why we take a holistic approach to health. True health is about so much more than 6-pack abs and magazine bodies.


True health is about having a body that lets you do the things you want to do, a mind that is focused and motivated, and environments that inspire and support your well-being.


It's all interconnected.

If losing weight and gaining muscle is your goal, H40 will help you get there, but it's designed to change so much more than just your body composition. It will shift your mindset as exercise and movement become something you GET to do, not something you HAVE to do. 

We'll show you how to fall in love with your life. 

Through training videos, coaching calls and curated experiences, H40 will help you change your approach to health and build a life that you love.


6,000 +

lives changed through the H40 Sprint.


The Six Weeks

Science built around our insticts

01  ADAM

01  ADAM

Become a morning person

It’s all about establishing a morning routine that starts your day off the right way. It’s simple but incredibly important, and foundational to everything else we’re doing.

02  EAT

02  EAT

Change your relationship to food

We’re going to start to see food as a fuel source, and something that can make us feel great, not just while we’re eating, but long after it as well.

03  MOVE

Recognize movement as a gift

03  MOVE

This is where we start to introduce exercise routines and again, change the way we view ourselves and the movement of our bodies. The big idea here is that exercise and movement isn’t something we have to do, it’s something we get to do. We’re going to help you fall in love with exercise. 

04  HAaK

04  HAaK

Optimize for your body +  heal

This week is all about Biohacking. If that’s a new term for you, it just means optimizing our physical health at the cellular level. This is where we’ll cover supplements and out of the box strategies for optimizing our physical health.

05  FLOW

Create spaces you love being in

05  FLOW

This week we’re going to talk about HOW and WHY your environments are so important to your physical and mental health AND then transform one of your living spaces, or workspaces.

06  REST

06  REST

Get the best night's sleep possible

Sleep isn’t just something we do between our healthy habits, sleep is a foundation for our health, and it’s important that we get this right. So we’re going to show you several ways you can improve the quality of your sleep, and some things you probably haven’t tried.