What is Freedomology?
Imagine waking up full of energy, surrounded by love, and free from money stress.
That’s the balance we’re here to help you build—a life you’re excited about every day.
Our 40-day sprints focus on health, finances, and relationships, helping you build habits that transform your lifestyle.

Health Sprint
Feel better in your body and mind—not through strict diets or grueling workouts, but by discovering what it means to truly thrive.

Financial Sprint
F40 focuses on financial freedom, teaching you how to grow wealth, make smarter financial decisions, and increase your independence and impact.

Relational Sprint
R40 is all about deep happiness. We help you build meaningful, lasting relationships and transform the connections that matter most.
We believe in the power of community—sharing experiences, supporting each other, and growing together.
There’s a science to better health, wealth, and relationships, but at Freedomology, we teach you the art of putting it all together.
Start where it matters most to you—health, finances, or relationships—and create a life where you feel balanced, empowered, and free.

7,000 +
lives changed through Freedomology

Cherelle Curry
"Paying close attention to how I feel when I eat has made a huge difference. I was very intentional about the way I started today, and I feel great. It's tear-jerking to be so focused and have a community of support"
Lucas Merkel
"Fantastic way to live life and change your mindset. Thanks for sharing this with everyone!" (R40)

Ayora Jain
"Thank you so much for creating this community, sharing your wisdom and helping us get on our path to be our best selves!"

Matthew Smith
"Short, manageable sprints with easy-to-follow worksheets that help you better understand yourself-because true freedom always starts with knowing yourself."
Tim Bullock
"Sharing this today is proof positive that God loves us and is walking right alongside us. Thank you for what you do."
Marty Hinojosa
"I have learned so much Greg. Thanks for your insights and inspiring me to take the steps to grow my wealth and protect it."
Molly Woofter
This morning, while doing my appreciation, I kept thinking about how grateful I am for this opportunity and community. I tried to define the points that make this series different from others and why I feel I am seeing so much more success and I came up with a few things. Knowledge - I have a master’s in biology and my husband has his PhD in biochemistry. I always get annoyed when someone throws out buzz words and tries to speak above you so that you follow out of insecurity but usually the people are just reading a script and don’t fully understand. You can tell from all of the videos and interactions that you guys have really dug into the research and are truly excited about it. I mean when you guys are explaining stuff you make it accessible to everyone and do it with the same enthusiasm as a child talking about dinosaurs! Personal experience - you guys speak from personal experience and never say “this is the only way to go”. You honestly give us the parameters to work within and then options to make it work. Community/accountability - Using the Skool app and having weekly videos and meetings truly helps. Thank you guys for everything!

Owen Miller
Thank you all for creating such an amazing platform and letting me be a part of it. It has truly been life-changing. It has taught me to commit in all areas of my life. Freedomology has opened me up to a new mindset and way of thinking. I will always be grateful for this opportunity. This community is going to help change people's lives. I know it has already changed mine. So thank you all for making a difference. I'm forever grateful and Blessed!

Heather Johns
I definitely enjoy all of the wisdom shared in R40!! If you haven’t seen this or you haven’t been following…. It’s great stuff! Thank you Greg and team for sharing such positive goods!
Danielle Cousin
Grateful to be a have a program and new knowledge that empowers me to keep going even when I feel like I can’t or it’s “too much work”

Freedomology in the Press
From personal growth to community empowerment, our mission is making headlines. Click below to view articles.